Abuse is any action that intentionally harms another person. It can be physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional. In other instances, causing damage through lack of action (negligence) can also be a form of abuse. Victims of abuse find themselves dealing with the psychological consequences of the abuse for the rest of their lives.

Different places have different stats on this topic. However, one thing applies universally, and that is, the frequency of occurrence is on the rise. Often, the abuser is someone known, loved, and respected within the family- a parent, spouse, sibling, close family friend, uncle, aunt, or neighbour.

If you have ever been abused, here is what you need to know;

  • It was not your fault
  • There is a strong tendency for most abused people to blame themselves and think they must have done something to deserve what happened. Often overwhelmed with fear of being blamed, guilt, and shame, they keep the abuse a secret. The truth is, the person solely responsible for what took place is the abuser and not you.

  • You are not alone
  • So many people struggle to recover self-worth asides from other things they lost from being abused. Those hundreds of thousands who have experienced abuse cut across race, religion, gender, or economic status. Know that you are not alone. There is help available if you could reach out to someone.

  • Help is available
  • There are support groups for abuse survivors, agencies, therapists, disease control centers, hospitals, and police stations. Realize that keeping it a secret would only eat you up silently. Let another person hold your hand through the recovery process. Please tell someone; if you can, a professional is a better option.

    Google emergency contacts to call in your area or district. Go to the hospital and tell a doctor who will perform a physical exam on you after hearing your story. Confidentiality is assured. Also, you get a chance to receive the appropriate services suited to you.

  • You can heal
  • Everything you feel is understandably enervating. Still, don’t let that trauma define how your life turns out. Attracting relationships that reenact abuse might happen when you are yet to heal. Trust issues might be present. You are so much more than a bad chapter. Healing will be slow but believe that you can live a fulfilled life where you are not a victim of circumstance.