You Are Jollof

If you are not from Nigeria and you ever get the chance to visit any city in Nigeria, ask for “Jollof rice” (hereafter referred to as Jollof).

Jollof is no longer a meal; it is a national construct. A representation of wealth, defined by the dimensions of preparations possible across dialects and occasions.

White rice, on the other hand, is dependent. Its relevance surges as a result of the company it associates with per time. That company could be stew, beans, pepper soup, stir fry, or any created compeer.

3 Things Every Jollof Must Know:

  • You have a purpose:
  • Purpose is the reason for existence. Jollof’s overall contributions in improving unity across social classes in the country, fortifying our international presence, and tackling hunger are irrefutable.

  • You have competitors:
  • There are variants of rice meals possible. I propose that fried rice is the most popular rival. In different instances, the scale shifts between coconut rice, ofada rice, and palm oil rice.

  • Your competitors or rivals can never be you:
  • In any social gathering within Nigeria, where assorted meals are on display, any meal could be absent but not Jollof.

    Jollof is not afraid of her competitors because she understands her uniqueness. Very stable in her place of authority, she features at home and wherever a party is.

    3 Essential Things Indispensable to Jollofs:

  • Rice:
  • It is crucial to use the best rice when cooking Jollof. There are many kinds of rice. Some are long grain, others short; some prone to sogginess, others not as much. Good quality rice is needed to make the perfect Jollof.

    As Jollof, rice is your temperament. It is thinkable to assume other forms, for example, pasta, spaghetti, beans, etc., but rice is the predominant one. With changes in environment and situations, our personalities might vary. However, there is a primary operating system within us that may be very difficult to alter. That is our temperament or default mode. By self-examining, we can identify what kinds of traits are detrimental to the deliciousness of our Jollof.

  • Tomato paste:
  • Nowadays, it is common to find tomato paste that comes with a pepper and onion blend. Some still come as pure tomato content.

    Frying the tomato paste needs utmost care and dedication. You must fry it to the point where the slappy taste is gone. Only then can you add the (optional) roasted mix we will talk about shortly.

    By this time, all the digestive enzymes are active because the aroma in the kitchen is now full-bodied.

    Such is your purpose, the force with which you move. Dear Jollof, tomato paste is what makes you stand out from the crowd. It is your undeniable contribution to the world. What makes you unique? Discover this and start living!

  • Onions:
  • What is Jollof without a great base? The chicken or beef stock is powerless without the greatness of onions. The tomato sauce itself needs the wonder of onions. It’s all about building the flavor profile, and nothing hits the right spot like onions.

    Not very often, I cut up my onions with some bell peppers (green and red) into big chunks, add oil (preferably sprinkle olive oil on it), add some salt, shake it up, and roast in the oven. When I remove that roasted mix from the oven, I blend it all up and add it later to the tomato paste.

    Let me tell you, that gives the aroma of using firewood without actually going through the trouble. Bless my heart! So yummy.

    Courage is the onions to every Jollof. Life can cut your grit into all shapes and sizes but, you must not stop until you finish. All Jollof, no matter the age or size, need the strength of will to push through the inconvenience and pressure.

    With a stable temperament, fuel your purpose with courage.
    Make the best of your life.
    You are Jollof!

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